My strength is not mine alone, but the strength of many
Cromwell Early Learning Centre (CELCI) prides itself on being a stand out family-centred facility that embraces and supports the role parents take as a vital part of the extended CELCI family.
Originally a parent run play-centre (dating back to 1954), in 2000 CELCI became a not-for-profit incorporated society, with the aim of preserving the community approach by including parents in the running of the centre, while balancing this with a top notch bunch of teachers with great credentials and an even bigger heart for kids.
CELCI provides a warm, nurturing and caring family friendly environment for children aged two to six years in lovely bright spacious classrooms. We have an all day licence, although children may attend on a sessional basis, including a full day, school day and morning and afternoon sessions (minimum three hours).
CELCI runs a fantastic set of programs to provide children with the opportunity to thrive from 2-6 years. These include developmentally targeted activities, the “Adventurers” program for four year olds who like to get out and explore, and a well-regarded and comprehensive transition to school program linking in with both local primary schools. We are extremely well resourced and literacy rich.
Our large outdoor area is huge and provides a challenging place to explore. The children learn about sustainability through our gardening, recycling and worm composting.
We have an open door policy for parent/guardians who are not only welcomed, but highly encouraged to visit their child/ren and join them as they play and learn.